Cardinal numbers
1. Los cardinal numbers
The number 0 can be called in different ways depending on the context. The main ones are:
Use | Examples | |
ZERO | Mathematics, temperature, etc. | We are 3 degrees below zero. |
OH | Phone numbers, rooms, years, etc. | My number is: six-two-seven-five-oh-one-two-four-oh. |

2. Two-digit numbers
The numbers in English from 10 onwards are formed as follows:
Numbers 11 and 12 have a specific name. From number 13 to 19 all numbers end in -teen:

The tens end with the particle -ty from number 20:
In the rest of the cases, when we have a number formed by two digits, we write the ten followed by a dash and the corresponding unit:

4. Numbers of more than two digits
To refer to the hundreds we will use the following structure:

One hundred

Four hundred
To refer to the thousands we will use the following structure:

Five thousand

Thirty-seven thousand
To refer to the units of millions we will use the following structure:

Thirty-two million
From these quantities, we only have to make combinations as appropriate, bearing in mind that we will use the conjunction and to link hundreds or thousands with tens and/or units.
450 | Four hundred and fifty |
201 | Two hundred and one |
1,025 | One thousand and twenty-five |
1,005 | One thousand and five |
In English, they use a dot to separate the decimals and a comma to determine the thousands.

7. Cardinal numbers with years and phone numbers
- To express years: The number tends to be divided into two groups of two figures and pronounced separately:
In fourteen ninety-two Cristobal Colon discovered America.If the year ends in 00, the first two figures are grouped together and the word hundred is added. - For phone numbers: They are said one by one, never grouped.
My phone number is 634 023 455 (six, three, four, oh, two, three, four, double five).When two of same number are together, they are written or spoken using the word double followed by the repeated number.